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Adding sounds - Reaper and Visual Studio Code

Eleonora Filipic

After adding a title, a text and icons to the webpage I also added sounds (a different one for every icon), to be played on mouse click.


All sounds are royalty free, downloaded from a free library ( and then edited them in Reaper. For this task, I chose only recordings that could somehow reproduce what these creatures might sound like (eg: for the icon representing a warewolf, I chose the sound of a wolf howling). Most of these sounds were long recordings, while the sounds I needed for these icons had to be very short and instantly recognisable, so I cut the recordings, adjusted the volume, equalisation levels, reverb and playback rate to better adapt them to each creature. For example, I imagined the growl of the orc to be a deep, loud, scary sound, while ad the sound of the griffin would be more like the sound of an eagle).

Below are a few screenshots taken in Reaper.


After editing all the sounds I uploaded them to Visual Studio Code as .wav format and linked the icons to their corresponding sound using image id tags (that means that the computer knows what sound to play when we click on each icon).

Below are a few screenshots taken in Visual Studio Code.

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