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Audiovision Week 6 - Sound Design Break-apart

Eleonora Filipic

- video of bugs life:

- articulate or smooth things,

shiftings scales and POV

- from environment to detail

- sounds have more weight when the camera has closer shots to the subject (environemnt vs detail)

- layering up sounds of animals (like Jurassic Park, make research)

- uncanny sound for animals

- reverb in the nest (why?)

- sound describe, narrates, keeps engaged, authenticate

- every material has a different sound

- modulating energy (what is enhanced by sound and what is left quiet)

- modulating method

- wide range of sounds, shells are used as instruments and produce many different sounds and noises

- sound, music or dialogue take the foreground (change and shift between one another)

- dissonance

- industrial sound desing (very brutal and crude)

- shifting in terms of density and nergy, and in terms of valence (the chase sequence from terminator 3 as an exmaple, from being high intensity drama to silly cartoonish sound design). valence: when we found ourselves from a war scene to a beah scene (could be comedic approach of sound design, eg monster and co when the mosnter walk through doors and move from a chase sequence to a silent beach, then to paris, then jump back in the drama)

- outcome emotion (eg light mozart compared to demonic sounds in jack jack attack)

- sonic stimulation

- sound design break apart (The day after timorrow)

- sound design break apart (monsters University)

- layering sounds vs being economic in approach (what sounds to emphasise and what to ignore)

- dynamic range (silence, or noises, or loud music)

- quick changes keep engaed

-- whistles mean always fight in the western movies (old west locatoins)

- rule of 3 (three screens, 3

- open up the space (eg birds outside the window, when the main scene is indoors)

- emotional tenor

- mike's new car: (when they play all th button stogether, the sounds they produce seem to play some kind of music together, like a harmony. Sully's point of audition, Mike's POA)

- enaging audience: (something rather than just throwing soudns over each other)

dynamic range

quick changes

high activation

dive, move in and out of the action,

contrast between sound design vibe and music's vibe (eg one is dramatic the other one is laid back)


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