Tracing activity using two of Edward Hopper's paintings.
I traced over the first painting "Cobbs Barn and distant houses" using only organic shapes made with the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, while the second painting "Gas", is traced using only geometrical shapes (made with the shape tool).
"Cobbs Barn and distant houses"
The first painting originally had lots and lots of details in all its elements, specifically in the background (the fields, the grass, the distant mountains and other natural elements). It also contains a rich variety of colours, values and shadows.
However, I decided not to trace these visual elements as they made the tracing too messy. In fact, the aim of this exercise is to keep the tracing plain and simple, keeping only the main visual elements. The final image, in fact, contains only plain organic shapes (both straight and curvy lines) that represent roughly the main subjects of the painting, for example the houses in the foreground, the fields and the sky. All shapes in the final image are basic, clear and simple: the only visual element which varies a bit more are the colours, as I decided to colour in these shapes with various hues and values of the colour palette used in the original painting (for example, different values of green, yellow and blue).
Here is the final image!
Original painting