Lecture Notes
Words related to resonance
brightness is subjective, frequency is objective
brightness is subjective, luminance is objective
frequency, colour and pitch is a system
resonance is omnipresent, happening anywhere, everywhere, always. Therefore it's hard to control in your work, you don't know what other are resonating with.
Creative works have variables (sound, colour, pattern, pitch, rhythm, frequency, light...) that can be controlled
rhythm is the language of brainwave entrainment (eg: first step of entrainment, brain remembers and mimics the frequency and rhythm of music)
biology and physiology
dissonance and consonance
cognitively dissonance (experience with negative valence). the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time
cognitively consonance (experience with positive valence)
valence (spectrum of emotional responses between the absolute negative and the positive)
affective resonance = emotional resonance
emotion = affect
transformative and its relation to resonance
cymatics (everything that vibrates, have a graphic nature to them. There are some patterns here that)
moving from dissonance to consonance = resolution.
resolution is also degree of clarity, quality and detail (in terms of technical definition)
motor resonance
affective is examining relationships and connections between "yourself" and the other (people, concepts, ideas, objects, environment, device). It affects the way you think and feel. Can generate negative or positive affective resonance
Words connected to Colour and its applications
why is someone more likely to resonate with some particular emotion? is it because they've experienced it before, or are they curious?
psycho-geography (the way you perceive the world has adapted to the environment you've been living to. The environment is part of who you are). Spatial awareness
inside = artificial (if we think about the environment. If we think about ourselves, then the inside becomes the natural and the outside becomes artificial)
outside = natural (if we think about the environment)
introspective (ability to observe what's going on inside the body, whether physical or mental). ASSIGNMENT = TO ANALYSE AND WORK WITH How internal changes are affected by external parameters and variables
affective resonance is analysing the environmental dynamics between the physical and psychological, with regards to our own awareness of changes in digital spaces.
biorhythm (mood swings)
mood swings (modulation, transformation, waves, therefore they are a form of resonance)
disregulation, irregularity
flow states
neuro modulating yourself
thoughts are a type of output of our brain functions
noise with regards to sound, resonance, colour