Notes taken during class feedback during group discussions on A1 submission.
My A1 summary:
Exploring resonance and emotional valence range in response to dissonant, problematic and unconventional audiovisual design. The challenge I set myself is to understand what and why we consider to be a problematic audiovisual design, and try to use those elements to explore audio and colour in relation to a 3D environment. Can these relatively "negative" emotional responses be used to shape positive experiences?
Notes on feedback received on Canvas after my A1 submission. I wrote some notes and reflections, in response to the given feedback, to better understand it and also apply interesting feedback points to improve my second TCRE assignment.
Peer Feedback (group discussions)
Initial idea: exploring audiovisual resonance in response to problematic design choices, so problematic colour combinations and sound
JAMES - analysis of feelings and emotions first, technical aspects later.
-any direction as long as there is enough inclusion of colour theory
-how to challenge his design knowledge with TCRE research
lots of research??? problem is, how can he apply it
how to use semantic colours in architectural spaces?
how to apply research in a 3D context?
3D space as a journey
trouble figuring out possible design pathways for A2
challenging negative connotations of certain colours through audio
exploring opposite and challenging audio and visuals
video output
lighting design and how it can shape our perception of content, and emotional feelings
Ideas, starting points, hints and other useful points taken from my discussions with peers:
idea of a transformative environment that evolves as users interact with it
challenging negative connotations of sound and audio
use of semantic colour mapping as a way to explore and challenge conventional meanings of colour
context, placement and displacement (priming, as it suggests that something, in order to be displaced, there has to be a previous placement of environment, event, fact that is somehow in contradiction with the current state of things - which now seems as displacement)
displacement (an object in a specific situation might convey certain emotions. The same object in another completely different environment influences other feelings)
using 3D space as a journey of discovery, going through change and transformation from point A to point B and starting point to explore colour resonance. Emotional transformation in between those points
intentional sound design
collective cognitive dissonance (cultural)
conflict resolution through design
rhythm is a form of frequency and therefore a form of audio entrainment
audiovisual entrainment
dissonance can lead to consonance and settlement
bias (individual thinking and collective culture, generational values within the same culture). Exploring bias through colour and sound, without drawing attention to yourself is a subtle way of exploring bias and
collective resonance
what questions would you like to ask people about your work?? (not prescriptive questions. Don't prime people towards a response you feel, would like to hear or believe- what feeling of anger did you feel about red? )
being aware of subjective qualia (your is different to others)
qualia explains your research justifications
rotation/ cycling
cycles are related to patterns
signals (signal to noise ratio). what is the noise and what is the signal in your work? How can this help you design your TCRE work?
Russell, J.A. and Sato, K., 1995. Comparing emotion words between languages. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 26(4), pp.384-391.