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Eleonora Filipic
May 15, 2023
Audiovision - Week 9: Sci-Fi lecture
WORK IN PROGRESS: SCI FI SOUND DESIGN lecture, professor Redmond: - sound vectorization - screen sound - synchronisation of the senses...
Eleonora Filipic
May 7, 2023
Audiovision Week 8: Feedback sessions
As I am working on two completely different projects for this semester and because there's a lot going on, I was happy to present to my...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 17, 2023
Audiovision Week 7: Sound design composition (animation, advertising, corporate music)
So to start off with week 7, we introduced some different types of sounds and techniques and how they can be combined to create...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 16, 2023
Audiovision Week 6 - Sound Design Break-apart
- video of bugs life: - articulate or smooth things, shiftings scales and POV - from environment to detail - sounds have more weight when...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 3, 2023
Audiovision - Week 5, Sound Design analysis + meeting with Stephanie Andrews (Pixar)
Before meeting Stephanie Andrews from Pixar and discussing about sound design for high/end animation, we had one last look at how...
Eleonora Filipic
Mar 26, 2023
Audiovision - week 4 - Sound Design, low-fi animation and professional practice
During week 4 we discussed some strategies to make our collaborative practices and creative thinking more efficient. Many concepts,...
Eleonora Filipic
Mar 9, 2023
Audiovision - Week 2/3 - Sound Design for Audiovisual Media
Sound and Music - what are their purposes in an audiovisual project? During week 2, we discussed in class the roles and purposes of Music...
Eleonora Filipic
Feb 22, 2023
CSS Language
Insights to CSS language rules CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet and is the type of code you use to style and design your website...
Eleonora Filipic
Feb 21, 2023
HTML Syntax
HTML, which means Hypertext Markup Language, indicates a type of front-end markup language used to build the basic structure of a...
Eleonora Filipic
Jan 11, 2023
Packaging Design at the time of Mass Marketing and Production
Starting from the mid-1800s, manufacturers all over Europe started using trademarks to claim legal properties on their products. Many of...
Eleonora Filipic
Dec 28, 2022
Brief history of packaging design
Think about your favourite kind of food, a popular pair of shoes or every other product you see advertised in stores, supermarkets,...
Eleonora Filipic
Jun 10, 2022
Creating an HTML and CSS based scrolling website
As the last assignment for year 1 of my design degree course, I was asked to create an online portfolio (designed to be a scrolling...
Eleonora Filipic
May 9, 2022
Week 8 Session 2: Feedback and testing
This post is about the feedback I received from family members and friends when they tried to navigate the environment and explore its...
Eleonora Filipic
May 2, 2022
Design document - Week 7 Session 2
For this assignment I am designing a 3D scene set in a club/disco and my aim is to recreate an interactive experience in which users can...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 11, 2022
Html website with icons - FileZilla and Visual Studio Code
This is the final version of the graphic icons for the html website. I chose to create 9 icons representing 9 magical creatures, 5 evil...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 11, 2022
Adding sounds - Reaper and Visual Studio Code
After adding a title, a text and icons to the webpage I also added sounds (a different one for every icon), to be played on mouse click....
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 2, 2022
Coding - Visual Studio Code
This post is about how I used Visual Studio Code to code the main instructions for a website. Visual Studio Code is a software that...
Eleonora Filipic
Apr 2, 2022
Geometrical shapes - Tracing activity
Tracing over Edward Hopper's painting "Gas" in Adobe Illustrator, by using only the "geometrical shape" tool. This digital drawing is...
Eleonora Filipic
Mar 28, 2022
Organic shapes - Tracing activity
Tracing activity using two of Edward Hopper's paintings. I traced over the first painting "Cobbs Barn and distant houses" using only...
Eleonora Filipic
Mar 28, 2022
Beziér Game
Learning how to use the Pen Tool The aim of this online game is to trace the images provided by using only a pen tool, similar to the one...
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